The Biggest Mistakes You Can Make on Your Social Media

The Biggest Mistakes You Can Make on Your Social Media

Social media can be time consuming and difficult to manage. You may have tight deadlines or a bunch of DMs you can’t get to. People make mistakes all the time, here are a few mistakes that can be easily avoided.

No Strategy

Having a clear, cohesive social media strategy can be one of the best things you can have for your business. A strategy will help you decide what and when to post. It will ensure that your social media is consistent and moving forward instead of just treading water. So, how do you create a social media strategy?

Start off with the “What”, what do you want to accomplish? More followers? More engagement? Spreading brand awareness? You’re “What” is the most important part of your strategy, you can’t work towards something if you don’t know what you’re working towards. The next step is to pick your “Who”, who is your target audience? You can’t create content if you don’t know who you’re creating content for. The last thing you need is “When”, when you will launch this strategy and when it will end. You can’t achieve your goals if you don’t have a deadline.

No Interaction

Interaction is huge on social media. When you interact with customers online it shows that you care and builds loyalty and trust with your customers. If you don’t interact with your social media followers, your competition will.

Some basic things you can do to increase interaction is to like and reply to any comments left on your social media. If you want to go further, you can host a Q&A about your brand or industry, sharing other people’s content, add relevant hashtags, creating polls and surveys, or creating competitions. There is a lot you can do to get your audience engaged. Try out new things every now and then and get creative.

Not Posting Enough or Too Much

If you’re only posting once or twice a month, that’s not good enough. If you’re posting more than once a day, that may be too much. People follow people/businesses that are active, but not too active. They want consistent updates from you, but not too many. Finding the right posting schedule may take some trial and error. Posting twice a day or every other day is a good starting point.

Boring Content

People follow people who are interesting, who can teach them something. If you want people to engage with you or follow your social media, you can’t afford to have boring content. Tailor your content to be interesting and relevant to your industry. For example, an auto mechanic business can have posts with tips on extending the life of your car or fun car facts.

Social media is a powerful tool, with some more effort and time, you can turn it into something really valuable and profitable. There are a ton of things you can do to bring in more engagement and spread your brand awareness. You can also visit for further help with your social media.